Friday, February 11, 2011

Rolled Oats Pancake w/
Strawberries, Peaches & diced almonds

Mixed Salad & Fruit
Spinach, Chickpeas, Green Peas, Purple Onion, Celery, Cauliflower
Broccoli, Radish, Carrots, Raisins, Beets, Tomato, Olives,
Cucumber, Green Pepper, Melon, Pineapple, Salt & Pepper

Chamomile Tea & Kashi Lean

Hot Veggies
Brussels Sprouts, Broccoli, Kale, Edamame,
Pineapple, Strawberry, Mustard, Vinegar & Sugar

Cherries, Strawberries, Pinapple Chunk, Peach Slice

My only Friday class was useless due to the round table discussion of unrelated conversations that took place the entire time. I did however learn about the Tuskegee Unethical Research, and it is shocking to say the least.

I rode my bike to class but ended up walking back because the wind was too cold.

I took a long nap from 2:00pm-5:30pm

Went to the gym with Jasmine ran about 3 miles and weight training

Came home and cooked dinner for Erik :) while he did laundry

There are a bunch of white shirts left drying around me! haha

*I need 2 more girls for the indoor soccer team I am putting together...


1st Official

Recap of what I did last night:

Janira and I won 1st place inter-mural badminton-Womens doubles last night!

I went to A.L.A.S, we made roses with Hersheys Kisses for the V-Day fundraiser.

Tyler, Erik, and I went to Subway afterwards

I woke up at 3:45am and made pancakes for breakfast. The batch I made for myself were higher in fiber and lower in calories & sugar. I made Erik a different batch with a higher caloric, protein, and fat content.

The rest of the time I spent designing this blog for its official "grand opening" c:

Saturday, April 24, 2010

Naked Fruit Juice - Not always a smart choice

I am Excited to Share This Information

Naked fruit juice is...
1) Tasty
2) Made with Real Fruit
3) A great example of how fancy packaging and false advertisement can gain popularity and mislead consumers.

What's in Naked Juice:
Natural Naked Fruit Juice- Pomegranate Acai (15.2oz)
-Serving size= 8oz
-Servings per container= 2
One 15.2 oz. bottle contains:
-4 Servings of fruit
-320 calories
-62g sugar (naturally occurring from the fruit) about 15.5teaspoons of sugar
-0% Vit C
-2% Vit A
-0% Fiber
The Problems With Naked Fruit Juice
-High calorie/sugar
-Quickly can increase caloric intake – weight gain if not compensated for
-Low-nutrient beverage
-No benefits from the fruit used (raw fruits are high in Vit A and Vit C) to make the beverage are in the drink
-Little to no vitamins (pasteurization and oxidization) used to make product eliminate all the vitamins
-Fiber in fruit skin is filtered out when juice is made (fiber is beneficial in weight control because it gives you a fullness factor that after pulp has been removed for the juice the fiber is eliminated/ fiber also helps you poop regularly)
Treat the juice as a treat
Eat raw fruit instead to get all the vitamins and fiber
Juice your own juice so you control what goes into it and how you prepare it

My Thoughts
I really am disappointed with Naked Fruit Juice company and they way their bottle fooled even me!
I always thought that Naked Fruit Juice was a great way to get eat my fruits for the day in liquid form, and get all the antioxidants and fiber from the fruits pictured on the bottle. Now knowing that none of that is in the juice I no longer purchase the drink. After doing research on my own, I feel cheated and I want more people to be aware of the lies Naked Juice company is selling.

I made a list of Naked Fruit Juice flavors you should not buy
and another list of Naked Fruit Juice flavors you should choose instead
I looked at the nutrition labels for each drink Naked offers on I compiled this list of the juices with the poorest source of Vitamin A and Vitamin C
They make 33 varieties of Fruit Juices and 16 of them fall on the list of low vitamin content
Since all Naked juices cost the same ($4.00), get your moneys worth and pick the ones that have beneficial attributes added to them by purchasing those on the "flavors you should choose" list
Don't pay $4.00 for A Naked Juice product on the first list below
Because for that money and the type of quality you are getting in a 15.2oz bottle of Naked Juice you might as well buy:
5lb bag of sugar for $2.89
11 packets of Kool-aid mix $1.10
=make 5.5 gal of kool-aid drink (It will last you a very long time)
of course I am just making a joke but it is true
These flavors of Naked Fruit Juice are....
An expensive mixture of water and sugar
Nothing more nothing less.

List of Naked Juice Flavors very poor in Vitamin A and C- DO NOT BUY these:
Plentiful Pomegranate, Peach Mangosteen Bliss, Strawberry Banana, Antioxidant Pomegranate Blueberry, Red Machine, Apple, Pomegranate, Pomegranate Blueberry, Blue Machine, Cherry Pomegranate, Pomegranate Acai,Berry Blast, Black and Blueberry Rush, Strawberry kiwi kick, Chai Spiced Cider, Coconut Water

List of Naked Fruit Juice flavors fortified with Vitamins and added Boosters- BUY these:
acai machine, berry blast, berry veggie machine, blue machine, gold machine, green machine, mighty mango, o-j, orange carrot, orange mango motion, peach guava, power c machine, protein zone protein zone double berry, protein zone mango, tropical, tropical smoothie, tropical mango

-BOH *