Friday, February 11, 2011

Rolled Oats Pancake w/
Strawberries, Peaches & diced almonds

Mixed Salad & Fruit
Spinach, Chickpeas, Green Peas, Purple Onion, Celery, Cauliflower
Broccoli, Radish, Carrots, Raisins, Beets, Tomato, Olives,
Cucumber, Green Pepper, Melon, Pineapple, Salt & Pepper

Chamomile Tea & Kashi Lean

Hot Veggies
Brussels Sprouts, Broccoli, Kale, Edamame,
Pineapple, Strawberry, Mustard, Vinegar & Sugar

Cherries, Strawberries, Pinapple Chunk, Peach Slice

My only Friday class was useless due to the round table discussion of unrelated conversations that took place the entire time. I did however learn about the Tuskegee Unethical Research, and it is shocking to say the least.

I rode my bike to class but ended up walking back because the wind was too cold.

I took a long nap from 2:00pm-5:30pm

Went to the gym with Jasmine ran about 3 miles and weight training

Came home and cooked dinner for Erik :) while he did laundry

There are a bunch of white shirts left drying around me! haha

*I need 2 more girls for the indoor soccer team I am putting together...


1st Official

Recap of what I did last night:

Janira and I won 1st place inter-mural badminton-Womens doubles last night!

I went to A.L.A.S, we made roses with Hersheys Kisses for the V-Day fundraiser.

Tyler, Erik, and I went to Subway afterwards

I woke up at 3:45am and made pancakes for breakfast. The batch I made for myself were higher in fiber and lower in calories & sugar. I made Erik a different batch with a higher caloric, protein, and fat content.

The rest of the time I spent designing this blog for its official "grand opening" c: